New Favorite Smoothie Recipe

As I talked about in a previous blog post, I am attempting to live a healthier lifestyle by trying to reduce stress, eat healthier and be more active. My goal of reaching 10,000 steps every day fell short a few days this week because of the increased school workload, but I discovered a smoothie recipe that I LOVE and wanted to share it with you. I also wanted to share that I got my ingredients at Three Rivers Market, which I went to for the first time this week, thanks to my friend, Emily. If you’ve never been, I would compare it to a cheaper, smaller Whole Foods. In addition to carrying natural and organic food, Three Rivers Market also carries food from local producers, such as Cruze Farm and Magpies Bakery. I would recommend checking it out!

My new favorite smoothie recipe is as follows:

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 and 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 mini spoonful Trader Joe’s Stevia Extract
  • Dash of vanilla extract

Throw it all in a blender and enjoy! I might experiment with adding greek yogurt — or if I’m really in a daring mood, some greens — but for now, I’m really enjoying this recipe!

I’m open to suggestions for other smoothie recipes, too!


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