…9,998, 9,999, 10,000.

Ten thousand steps. That’s how many steps I set a goal of walking every single day starting April 1. A combination of stress and the desire to lose some weight for an upcoming wedding I’m in sparked the creation of this springtime goal. For someone who is on a college campus, you would think that’s an easily obtainable goal – but its not. However, I’ve made changes in my daily schedule in order to accommodate this goal. Some of these changes being:

  • Getting up once an hour to take a lap of the floor of the building I’m on
  • Actually taking a lunch break to take a walk around campus
  • Parking farther away
  • Not taking the elevator and always taking the stairs
  • Walking the long path from A to B
  • Taking a nightly walk

In getting my 10,000 steps a day, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned that taking a few minutes every hour to get up from my desk and walk around stimulates my creativity and makes me more productive when I’m at my computer. I’ve learned that “me time” is something that shouldn’t be put on the back-burner as it alleviates stress and makes you feel better.

Oftentimes, we get so lost in the day-to-day that we forget to make time for ourselves. Even if it’s not walking 10,000 steps a day, I encourage every one to take some “me time” because it will benefit your attitude, your work and your well-being.

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This is actually a picture I took on tonight’s walk. Stunning, right?


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